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 Wing Chun
Kali & Silat

For Ages 16 & Upwards Only 

Also Available For Seminars

True JKD Martial Arts Academy

Wing Chun - Jeet Kune Do - Kali Escrima - Silat


With everything in life we want what's best. we sometimes have a preference in what we choose, or we just go for what looks the best. For me I wanted to do a traditional kung fu style and I was lucky enough to find a Wing Chun school in my area, this was where it all started for me. And to this day Wing Chun is still my favourite of the four martial art systems I teach.

Bruce Lee has been an inspiration to many people with his way of fighting. His fluid movement made fighting look graceful and powerful, the art of Jeet Kune Do had more freedom in its movement giving incredible speed and power but it still followed an underlying philosophy. With this philosophy we transend in everything we do.


 His student and good friend Dan Inosanto introduced the Filipino arts of Kali and Escrima with its tried and tested ways of fighting with weapon and empty hand combat. Also the Indonesian art of Pentjak Silat with its many fighting systems.

Sifu Neal Haxton, True JKD Martial Arts Academy

Butterfly Knives


 Wing Chun
Kali & Silat

For Ages 16 & Upwards Only

Also Available For Seminars 

True JKD Martial Arts Academy UK

Copyright 2015 - 2016 True JKD Academy all rights reserved

Tel:  07510 654142

Congleton, Cheshire, UK.

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